Hillary Churchill - Copywriter Work About Contact
Northwestern Mutual 01.mp4
Northwestern Mutual 01.mp4
Northwestern Mutual Description.rtf

Northwestern Mutual


This work is so fun and pretty. I remember we went round and round with the client trying to get the words just right, and we ended up with 17 versions of the script, or something crazy like that. And I had this really weird conversation with them around the word “dogged.” You can see from the videos that each line of copy has some associated action, but it’s never a direct interpretation. So when I wanted to use the word “dogged” they were like, “What are you going to show? Someone walking a dog?” But it’s one of those things where you have to decide if the word is that important. And if one person in the room isn’t getting it, how many out in the real world won’t? So out it went.

Agency: OLSON

Copywriter: Hillary Churchill
Art Director: Chad Nauta
Creative Director: Derek Bitter
Chief Creative Officer: Dennis Ryan




Northwestern Mutual


This work is so fun and pretty. I remember we went round and round with the client trying to get the words just right, and we ended up with 17 versions of the script, or something crazy like that. And I had this really weird conversation with them around the word “dogged.” You can see from the videos that each line of copy has some associated action, but it’s never a direct interpretation. So when I wanted to use the word “dogged” they were like, “What are you going to show? Someone walking a dog?” But it’s one of those things where you have to decide if the word is that important. And if one person in the room isn’t getting it, how many out in the real world won’t? So out it went.


Copywriter: Hillary Churchill
Art Director: Chad Nauta
Creative Director: Derek Bitter
Chief Creative Officer: Dennis Ryan