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Mountain High Yoghurt


Mountain High already had a fanatical fan base out west. They even had their own brand, but it was really naive and dated. It was also really sweet. When General Mills bought the brand, they hired us to spruce things up, but we didn't want to make it slick. So we tried to retain some of the folksiness. On the website, we used funny redundancies like "Click here to go there" and an arrow that pointed to a spot in the navigation saying, "You are here." The Mountain High facebook page had a "three cow monty" game with a directive to "Find the Lady!" And pre-rolls featured an affable, gullible cow and a guy with a great midwestern voice. Quite the team.

Agency: OLSON

Writer: Hillary Churchill
AD: TJ Shaffer, Ellie Drotning, Cameron High
CD: Brian Hurley
CCO: Dennis Ryan

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Mountain High Yoghurt


Mountain High already had a fanatical fan base out west. They even had their own brand, but it was really naive and dated. It was also really sweet. When General Mills bought the brand, they hired us to spruce things up, but we didn't want to make it slick. So we tried to retain some of the folksiness. On the website, we used funny redundancies like "Click here to go there" and an arrow that pointed to a spot in the navigation saying, "You are here." The Mountain High facebook page had a "three cow monty" game with a directive to "Find the Lady!" And pre-rolls featured an affable, gullible cow and a guy with a great midwestern voice. Quite the team.


Writer: Hillary Churchill
AD: TJ Shaffer, Ellie Drotning, Cameron High
CD: Brian Hurley
CCO: Dennis Ryan